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Product Sourcing Services by Wald Imports

Product Sourcing45 Years of Excellence in Product Sourcing, Custom Products, Overseas Help,  & Logistics.

Do you have an idea for a product for your business but don't know how to bring it into reality?

We can help you!

That is what we do all day long. We can help you get it done at the right, and we have all the logistics to deliver your product to your door.

Are you currently buying directly from factories in Asia, but things are not going as well as you want? Do you want to focus on what you do well and let experts handle the production and logistics end of things? We can help take these headaches off your plate.

We've been doing it for 45 years and we know what we’re doing.

At the end of the day you get to focus on growing your core business and can relax and depend on experts to handle the Asia/production side, and at surprisingly low cost. What is it worth to you to have all that time back and not worry about disastrous mistakes in production?

Do you know you need to be way more competitive by buying directly from the factory but you don't know how to begin, or fear stops you in your tracks?  We can help.

One phone call to us can open your window of knowledge and opportunity.

Start now; your competition is

The process doesn’t have to be complicated. Wald Sourcing Solutions has helped countless companies and individuals achieve their goals through custom product sourcing, promotional and custom product branding, and more. We can provide any level of service you need. From occasional consulting to tapping into our network of facilities and logistics, and anywhere in between, we can help you get the job done.

We know all the ins and outs of China product sourcing. There are definitely a lot of ways to do inefficient product sourcing, but with utilizing our knowledge of the industry, we can help you get what you need in an efficient, timely manner, all while knowing that you are going through someone you can trust to deliver. 

At Wald Imports, our first priority is to take care of our customer because your success is our success. 

Give us a call, or fill out our product sourcing service questionnaire, and we can get started with educating & presenting you with the best product sourcing plan possible.

